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We're here to help you

Life after the pandemic has remained unsettled with more challenges for family and friend carers.

If you are caring for someone, then you know the situation is not just about financial pressures. It’s about finding the time to take care of yourself. Remembering to take a break without feeling guilty. It’s about getting that health check and boosting your immunity.

Giving you the tools to cope as a carer

Here, at Carers Support, we have worked with our partners in Brighton and Hove and East Sussex to give you the tools to cope with the pressures you are faced with every day. We understand how caring can affect your career, physical health, friendships, freedom, identity, and confidence.

We have listened to the main challenges you tell us about being in a caring role and have grouped them together to make the information easily accessible as a reminder of what is available to you.

No matter what your caring circumstance, we are here to help you with emotional, practical and financial support.

“I would like to take this opportunity, once again for being the most helpful, understanding and kind organisation I have dealt with is respect of being a carer.” Nisha, who accessed support from Carers Support.

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Boost your immunity

If you are able to, please get the the flu and COVID-19 booster vaccinations. There are, however, other ways to potentially boost your immunity. A lot of which is based around self-care.

According to Harvard Medical School, there is still a lot of research around the immune system and keeping all those coughs and colds at bay. Whilst the research continues on this complex topic, it is suggested that general healthy living strategies make sense, as they come with other health benefits.

Your body is always going to function better when bolstered by healthy living strategies such as:

  • Don't smoke.
  • Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently and cooking meats thoroughly.
  • Try to minimize stress.
  • Keep current with all recommended vaccines. Vaccines prime your immune system to fight off infections before they take hold in your body.

The NHS are running a Kick Start your health campaign. There are suggestions around losing weight, getting active and quitting smoking. There is a list of suggested apps you can use to help you on your health kick journey. All of which can help in a busy caring role.Read more here.

Looking after your mind

It is one thing to take care of your physical being, but another to take care of your mental health. This side is all too easily forgotten about and yet so important in the ability to be there for your cared for.

What’s on offer to help?

There are many ways we can support you with this aspect. For instance, have you thought about attending one of the many carer groups on offer. There’s a mix of online and face to face to suit every need. Joining these groups gives you an opportunity to meet with others in a similar situation and a safe environment to discuss your caring role.

“I now know where I need to go to get support and the services available. I also have a better perspective about my caring role.” Denis, who accessed a carer group.

Carers Support may be able to offer you free counselling. We know how much of an emotional struggle caring can be at times. And quite often it is difficult to talk to family and friends about feelings and emotions. So the perfect forum to talk about challenges or anxiety is in the secure environment of speaking to a counsellor. If English is not your first language, there is offer of bilingual counselling, so the counsellor is fluent in your native language, reducing instances of lost in translation.

You can find out about the services available to you here.

Make time for you

No one can pour from an empty cup. You need to maintain your ability to care. One way is taking time for yourself to recharge your batteries, have some freedom or time to cultivate friendships. As mentioned earlier, this could mean joining a carer group. It could mean accessing the wellbeing fund on offer to take a break away or join a gym.

Respite can come in many forms. For instance, this could be residential respite for the person you care for, to give you some independence. Or arranging a day time activity together. There is the potential for help with funding such things through the Carer Wellbeing fund.

For respite options in your area, read more here.

Help with the cost of living

We understand the extra financial costs of caring, such as the cost of prescriptions, and over the counter items, adaptations at home and transport costs for appointments. Findings from a recent survey, conducted by Carers Trust, found that 1 in 7 carers said they have had to use a food bank. Whilst two thirds are worried about being able to afford energy bills. The situation seems bleak.

We know we can’t wave a magic wand and make all financial anxiety disappear, but we can go some way in helping alleviate some of the pressures. What is on offer to you as a carer?

Benefits Checks: make an appointment with a specialist Benefit Advisor to check you have applied for all of the welfare benefits you may be entitled to.

“It has helped by talking directly to an expert who has quickly assessed my own situation and made recommendations.” Cathy, who received support from the Benefits adviser.

Benefits Toolkit: Read this Benefits Toolkit which outlines all the welfare benefits carers are likely to consider claiming. It includes details of how to claim as well as links to other organisations who can support you. It also points you to an on-line benefits calculator.

Cost of Living Toolkit:We have put together some information about grants you may be able to apply for (local and national) and links to credible websites providing cost of living support.

Carer Discount Card:Carers registered with Carers Support West Sussex can apply to receive a Discount Card which has wide range of businesses and service listed in our directory which offer carers a discount.

Carer Health and Wellbeing Fund:Registered carers can apply for a grant, which can be used flexibly on purposes to enhance your health and/ or wellbeing. Read here how one carer purchased a saddle seat with her funding.

“I was literally having my own breakdown - emotionally and physically. I wanted to 'get away' to have some quiet time without other people needing me. I needed time to sit, reflect, breathe and calm my soul and mind.” Angela, who was in receipt of the Carer Health and Wellbeing Fund.

Our ask to you as a carer…

We are simply asking you to connect with your local carer organisation, to find out how we can help you through the winter months.

So we can deliver localised support to you, please contact your local carer organisation.

If you or your cared for live in West Sussex, please contact Carers Support West Sussex.

If you or your cared for live in East Sussex please contact either Care for the Carers or the Carers Centre for Brighton and Hove.

If you are already registered with us please contact us via email at to request a card.

If you are not registered with us please complete our online registration form below