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Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm


Wednesday 9am - 7pm


Saturday 10am - 12pm


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Caring for...

At Carers Support, we realise no two caring situations are the same. While we can offer individual and personalised support to everyone who contacts us, we also provide information and support on a range of caring roles.

For people caring for someone with dementia, Alzheimer’s or another form of memory loss

For parents caring for a child aged who is aged between 0-25.

For Carers of an Autistic Adult.

For those caring for someone with a mental health issue.

For Carers or someone with a drug or alcohol issue.

For Carers of someone with a learning disability.

For Carers of someone with a physical health condition that can require ongoing management over a period of years.

Our Young Adult Carer team provides support to 18 – 25 year olds looking after a family member or friend who depends on that help.