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Refer a Carer

As a professional, you will meet, work with, or recognise unpaid carers as part of your everyday activity. We are asking for your help in referring or signposting those unpaid carers to Carers Support West Sussex, so they can access the support they are entitled to.

What to do if you identify an unpaid carer?

Family and friend carers do not always recognise themselves in a caring role. Quite often, it takes someone like you to spot the signs, and highlight to them that the help and support they provide to someone else may mean that they are a carer. We know that supporting carers early in their caring journey is key to preventing carer breakdown. This could be the beginning of their carer journey. Once you have identified someone as a carer, you have two quick and easy options to help the carer.

1) Signpost to Carers Support West Sussex. You could share the contact details:

Phone 0300 028 8888



Email them a link to our leaflet here

2) Refer the carer to Carer Support West Sussex using the online referral form.

With this route, there are two crucial steps needed before you start the quick process

  • Express carer consent for Carers Support West Sussex to contact the carer. Without consent, the referral can go no further.
  • Carer personal details, such as name and caring role

Once you have those details covered, please complete the referral form, which will securely transfer your referral to Carers Support. Once the referral is received, a wellbeing worker will make direct contact with the carer to discuss their caring role and how we can support them going forward.

Referrals from Hospital Teams

If you are referring a carer from a Hospital setting, please use this form to make the information you supply more detailed and applicable in this situation.

Our dedicated offer for NHS employees in a caring role

Find out about volunteering with Carers Support