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Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm


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For Professionals

Working in partnership with professionals we aim to improve identification of and support for unpaid carers in West Sussex.

As a professional, you will meet, work with, or recognise unpaid carers as part of your everyday activity. We are asking for your help in referring or signposting those unpaid carers to Carers Support West Sussex, so they can access the support they are entitled to.

Businesses can sign up easily and start to offer discounts to unpaid Carers supporting a family member or friend in West Sussex.

We have developed a dedicated offer for NHS employees, called ‘Colleagues as carers’. Through this offer, you can access personalised support to suit your caring role.

Carer Emergency Carer Card (CECC) Partner Organisations can use this online form when completing a referral for a CECC in collaboration and with the permission of the carer.

If you would like to receive regular news about Carers Support and partner organisations, please complete the form below.