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Carer Equipment Service

About the Carer Equipment Service

The Carer Equipment Service is available to you as a registered carer to access equipment and assistive technology. The primary aim is to help maintain and enhance independence and give peace of mind in your caring role. We will assess the individual needs unique to you and the person you care for. It is our position to be there for you in every way possible, helping improve independence, safety and wellbeing.

Please note: equipment supplied is dependent on supply at the time of order, which may differ from the product details listed.

How can this equipment help me as a carer?

Are you are caring for someone with mobility issues? Do you have worries that medication is being taken correctly? A Tipping Frame for dispensing pills easily for someone with limited strength may be very useful. A big concern for any vulnerable person is whether they are drinking enough fluids. The Droplet Intelligent Hydration System is a great reminder to keep hydrated. These aids will help overcome challenges, give some degree of independence and ultimately help you as a carer.

Night times are often a big worry for carers as they struggle to sleep waiting to be disturbed by the person they are caring for. A simple plug-in night light or a movement activated light will enable that person to move around in the dark if they do need to leave the safety of their bed and give you a little peace of mind and possibly a better night’s sleep.

What equipment can I access?

In order for our Response Line team to be able to identify equipment that would be best suited to meet your individual needs, they will need details about your caring role and, for some equipment, information on the understanding or mental capacity of the person you care for. They will then complete a Personal Plan and help you choose and access the equipment that is right for you and the person you care for. The team are also able to provide a bespoke service to research creative equipment solutions to meet unique requirements.

How do I apply for the equipment?

This is a free service which can fund or part fund your equipment needs. If you would like to find out about your options, please contact us by either:

  • Calling 0300 028 8888
  • Emailing

Telecare/Technology Enabled Care (TEC) service

Technology Enabled Care allows you to call for help in the event of an emergency, if you’re not feeling well or if you’re anxious about a situation, such as an unknown caller to your home. There are various different alarms, sensors and equipment which can suit a variety of needs and offer reassurance to you and your family and friends carers.

NRS Healthcare, working on behalf of West Sussex County Council and the NHS, offer free installation and equipment for up to 6 weeks for residents with short term immediate needs, i.e.

  • to avoid a hospital admission; and/or
  • where there is evidence that a referral will delay or reduce more costly input.

If you have longer-term needs you may receive your service for free for longer.

Sometimes, people find that after the 6-week period, they want to continue with the reassurance and peace of mind offered by Technology Enabled Care to them and their families and friends, and choose to keep the service and equipment they have installed on a privately paid basis.

Private pay customers

TThere are many TEC services for privately funding carers who do not fulfil the criteria to have their TEC funded. Please visit West Sussex Connect to Support for further options.

A new Healthcare App Library

NRS Healthcare introduced a new partnership with the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Applications (ORCHA) to launch a healthcare app library.

Service users and their families and carers can use the digital library to find apps to support them to take control of their health. All the health apps in the library have been assessed for their clinical and digital safety – as out of the hundreds of thousands of apps available in the world – only 20% meet safety guidelines.

If you are interested in finding an app to help manage a certain health condition, for help to stop smoking or to get fitter, please visit the digital library here.

If you need assistance to download an App, please do contact us and a referral will be made for one of our Digital Champions to support you.

*Please note: Some Apps are free to access, others do have a cost.

Our Services

If you are already registered with us please contact us via email at to request a card.

If you are not registered with us please complete our online registration form below