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As we work towards our vision to bring the day forward when unpaid carers are seen, heard and included, we receive some generous feedback from the carers we support.

These kind and thoughtful comments remind us that we are making a difference. We would like to thank those carers who took the time to send us your kind words.
Here is just a small selection.

I felt very isolated, distressed and hopeless before attending the group. I have psychological support but had been unable to open up about distressing situations with my family and friends. The first time I told my story was in this group and it had a profound effect on my wellbeing.

Cathy, who attended a Mental Health Carers Support Group..

I cannot thank you people enough to be quite honest, you have been a life saver. Otherwise, we would just be sitting indoors all the time. It is the best Christmas present we could have ever had. It has changed our lives dramatically. I had great pleasure sending the old heavy one back that I could not use!

Jeff, who used the Carer Equipment Service to source a lighter wheelchair for his wife..

I don’t open up about my feelings or talk about anything personal, it was like she had a magic key, it was bizarre! The way she worded the questions, allowed me time to think of how to respond, had me just talking, it all came flooding out. It was very emotional but very much needed.

Simon, following a coaching conversation approach to the Carers Assessment..

I feel totally supported...Your organisation has been marvellous. Regular phone calls from Chris (wellbeing worker) - a very understanding lady who put us forward for this funding. And we certainly appreciate it. It will just make turning on the central heating a lot 'easier' now that my husband isn't so mobile. The most important point is that everything you have done has been efficient, organised speedily and with understanding and kindness.

Angela, who was in receipt of the hardship funding.

It has helped by talking directly to an expert who has quickly assessed my own situation and made recommendations.

Cathy, who received support from the Benefits adviser..

I was literally having my own breakdown - emotionally and physically. I wanted to 'get away' to have some quiet time without other people needing me. I needed time to sit, reflect, breathe and calm my soul and mind.

Angela, who was in receipt of the Carer Health and Wellbeing Fund..