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Bilingual Counselling Support

Carers Support West Sussex are offering bilingual counselling support to ethnic minority carers who feel they need a safe and confidential space to be heard. Counselling can help you make sense of your emotions and enable you to improve your wellbeing moving forward.

What is this service?

Registered carers may be entitled to six counselling sessions on a one to one basis. Each fifty-minute session will be with a qualified therapist who will listen to you and find ways to help you deal with any emotional issues you are experiencing, which may or may not be related to your caring role.

Counselling is sought by people from all cultures, religions, genders and sexual orientation. It is also for people of all ages and can help with many difficult life problems – from coping with traumatic experiences and events, to dealing with depression and anxiety or managing harmful emotions and behaviours.

Who is this service for?

This is a free to access service for ethnic minority carers living in West Sussex (or caring for someone who lives in West Sussex), registered with CSWS, over the age of eighteen. See information here on how to register with Carers Support West Sussex.

Carers Support West Sussex recognise that if English is not your first language, attending a counselling session could be difficult if the counsellor is not fluent in your native language. Therefore, the aim is to offer a service that understands every word you say coupled with knowledge of cultural sensitivities. Currently, the bilingual counselling sessions will be offered in the following languages:

    • Arabic
    • Gujarati
    • Hindi
    • Hebrew
    • Italian
    • Spanish
    • Polish
    • Portuguese
    • Punjabi
    • Russian
    • Urdu
    • English

    If your preferred language is not listed, please contact Carers Support West Sussex to find out how we can accommodate you.

    Benefits of this service to you

    If you decide to register for one-to-one Bilingual Counselling sessions, they will provide you, as a carer, with an opportunity, in a confidential space to:

    • Feel supported by an experienced counsellor who understands your cultural or ethnic background
    • Express yourself in your preferred language
    • Talk openly and honestly without fear of judgment or disapproval
    • Work through any problems and be supported to make choices in order to move forward

    How do I register?

    Taking the first step can sometimes be the hardest. With this understanding, Carers Support West Sussex have made the enrolment to access this service quick and easy.

    You can either call 0300 028 8888 or email

    Other options if you need to speak in a language other than English to register include:

    • Carers Support West Sussex will arrange a free initial interpretation service to get you on board.
    • You may wish to ask a friend or family member to call in on your behalf.
    • Alternatively, you can use the Online Chat Support service, available in over 50 languages available on this website displayed as ‘Online Support Available’ on the bottom right hand side of this page.

    Please note

    • There is only funding to support a limited number of carers
    • Carers Support West Sussex will allocate spaces for counselling on a first come basis and considering suitability for counselling
    • To access this offer you must not have received counselling in the last three months and/or currently receiving counselling support elsewhere
    • Once carer capacity has been reached, carers will be placed on a waiting list in case any spaces become free
    • Priority will be given to carers who have not previously accessed this offer

    Bilingual Counselling Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

    You may have some questions about counselling and what you can expect. Here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions (or FAQ’s). These FAQ’s apply only to the Bilingual Counselling Support Service and not the main Counselling Support service also offered by Carers Support West Sussex.

    1. What is counselling?

    Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a qualified counsellor listening to you to find a way to help you deal with your emotional issues.

    The therapy provides a safe and confidential space for you to talk to a trained professional about your issues and concerns. A counsellor will not give you their opinions or advice or prescribe medication. They will help you find your own solutions.

    2. How do I know if counselling is right for me?

    Counselling may not be suitable for everyone. Therefore, a counselling assessment will be undertaken initially to identify if this form of emotional support is what you need. If it is determined that you would benefit from a different form of emotional support, then a support worker will signpost other options for you to consider.

    3. How do I know which counsellor is best for me?

    Before counselling begins, you and the counsellor will arrange to go through a counselling assessment. This will be an opportunity to identify and assess suitability, including any individual needs and cultural and/or language requirements. This is a mutual assessment for both you and the counsellor so feel free to also ask any question you may have.

    If you are happy with the initial assessment and wish to continue, you will remain with the same counsellor for the duration of your sessions.

    4. How many counselling sessions will I have and when will they start?

    5. How will I access counselling?

    The counselling sessions will take place over the phone. You will need to provide a contact number (mobile or landline) for the counsellor to contact you.

    6. Is it free to access counselling?

    Yes, this is a free service offered to carers registered with Carers Support West Sussex.

    Funded by Making Carers Count, a Carers Trust partnership programme supported by the Covid-19 Support Fund.

    7. Will the counsellor tell me what to do?

    No, the role of a counsellor is not to tell you what to do. Instead, their role is to listen to you and help you put things into perspective so that you feel that you have the tools needed to make choices and move forward. Counselling is a supportive talking therapy. Not an advice giving service.

    8. Is counselling confidential?

    All counsellors are bound by a legal duty of confidentiality to protect any personal information they come into contact with and that you may share. However, if there is a concern for someone’s safety then counsellors will refer any safeguarding concerns to Carers Support West Sussex or the Police if there is an immediate risk of harm or danger disclosed.

    9. How will I know if counselling has helped me?

    You are the person best placed to know if and how counselling has helped you by the positive changes you see in your own life. To help you measure the improvements to your wellbeing, there will be a pre and post counselling course questionnaire to complete. This will provide you with tangible evidence of the positive impact made by the counselling sessions.

    We will also invite you to fill in a feedback form after completing your last counselling session.

    10. Is the counsellor qualified?

    Where possible, we ensure that counsellors we work with are registered members of BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) and/or UKCP (UK Council for Psychotherapy).

    If you have any further questions, please contact Carers Support West Sussex on 0300 028 8888 or email

    If you are already registered with us please contact us via email at to request a card.

    If you are not registered with us please complete our online registration form below