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Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm


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We make every effort to ensure our website is accessible to everyone and as user friendly as possible. Here are a few things which may make using our website easier.

Text Size:

The text size for this website can be changed by clicking on the symbol on the right side of the website header and using the A- and A+ symbols to decrease or increase font size.

Brightness and contrast:

If you have sight problems, you may find it useful to adjust the brightness and contrast on your computer. This can be done by going to your computer’s settings. Guides on how you can do this can be found below:

For Windows users:

For Mac users:


Our website is designed to be compatible with most browsers, including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox.


At the bottom of every page of our website you have the choice to change the language our website is translated into. There are more than 100 languages to choose from. Simply click ‘Select Language’ at the bottom of the page and choose which language you’d like the page translated into.

If English is not your first language and you need help to speak or understand, we can book someone to help you in your own language. Just let us know.

Plain speech:

We make every effort to ensure our website is easy to read and uses ‘plain English’ wherever possible. We also try to avoid the use of any jargon.

Additional information:

The BBC has some very useful tips on making your computer accessible to give you a better experience when using the internet. You can find that information here:

There are also some more tips and tricks for improve accessibility here:

If you require any further information, or you would like any of our documents sent to you in a different format (braille, large text etc). Please contact us by email

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