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Making Carers Count

Developing support for Ethnic Minority Carer Communities across Sussex

Carers UK estimate that there are around half a million carers from ethnically diverse backgrounds, and together they save the state £7.9 billion a year, with the unpaid care they provide 1

Whilst parallels can be drawn between most carers we support regardless of ethnic background, we know there are some distinct challenges within certain diverse carer communities.

“Some Asian parents do not speak English, so the language barrier is a real issue, and their children are expected to look after them. People are living longer and while you may have a big extended family in India and never feel alone, here, you may be alone and older with your own health issues, so it is harder to care and to also then hold down a job”.

- Kavita, carer for her 94-year-old father-in-law.

The pandemic has further amplified some of the issues that carers from such communities were already facing. Ethnically diverse carers from non-White or not British backgrounds are now:

  • more likely to be impacted by the closure of local services
  • more likely to state that the services in their area did not meet their needs
  • more anxious about their current financial situation
  • more likely to be struggling to make ends meet.

Making life better for every unpaid carer in Sussex

The aim of the Making Carers Count partnership is to deliver support and services to carers from diverse communities. To overcome potential barriers, making support easily accessible.

Useful Resources for professionals

Download our ‘Do you look after someone who needs your help?’ A4 Poster. Available in 13 languages.

Click on the language required to view/download the translated poster.

Arabic | English | Farsi | Gujarati | Polish | Portuguese | Simplified Chinese (used in mainland China) | Traditional Chinese (used in Macau, Hong Kong & Taiwan) | Spanish | Tamil | Turkish | Ukrainian | Urdu

Easy read version

Easy Read is a written format that makes information accessible and easy to understand for adults with a learning disability.

Download an Easy Read version of a Carer Support registration form here. Please email completed forms to your local carers support organisation.

Local Support – Directory of Contacts

We have listed services pan-Sussex that specifically support individuals from ethnically diverse communities. This information is intended for signposting purposes, and this is not an exhaustive list of services available and will be continually updated with new information.

We therefore encourage you as staff, volunteers, network partners and carer to recommend services you may be aware of for inclusion by our Carer Engagement Team at

Carer Awareness Training

Carer Awareness Training

This co-designed course with carers aims to provide valuable insights and foster a greater understanding of the experiences and needs of carers from diverse ethnic backgrounds.

    Course Details:

  • Title: Raising Awareness of Ethnically Diverse Carers
  • Duration: 60-90 Minutes
  • Format: Online, self-paced
  • Access: Available anytime, anywhere

To register your place, please visit our registration page

If you are already registered with us please contact us via email at to request a card.

If you are not registered with us please complete our online registration form below